We take pride in researching and pioneering the latest design and construction technologies on offer. All our projects employ state-of-the-art in each and every aspect of planning and execution, which ensures lasting performance for decades to come.

Jupudy Elite
Make your home among serenity, activity and convenience with Jupudy Elite, a vision to make metro-class quality and amenities available in your city. With luxurious, green landscaping and amenities for activity and fun, our project is designed to bring you the delight and peace-of-mind that only quality living can bring. Visit Jupudy Elite and invest in quality living today!

2/3 BHK Apartments | Rajajmundry, AP

We design.
We innovate.
We build.
At NxtSpace we are taking big-city construction aesthetics and quality everywhere.

Our projects plans and details are created as per the most current trends in the world of real estate. Whether it be split-level architectures, open-plan layouts, naturally cooled homes or more, we've got the latest trends and styles in place for you.

NxtSpace developments provide exceptional value on investments. A perfect blend of contemporary designs, exceptional technologies and competitive pricing our developments provide a fail-safe opportunity that only appreciates for you and your family.